At 5 months you weigh 13lbs. 15oz.
Your firsts this month include:
Rolling from your front to back 3 times in a row!! Even though you haven't done it since, I still count it as a first!
Getting hand foot and mouth virus.... Thank goodness it was only
in your mouth and not on your hands and feet! We only had one night with a fever and a day with tylenol, and you were good to go!
Wearing shorts for the first time! What a crazy month of weather! Eighty degrees in March? Unbelievable!!!
Your first taste of rice cereal! You did really
good for the first time eating food!
good for the first time eating food!
Your first time in the exersaucer! You love to play with and eat all the toys!
You loved your first time in the swings! I can't wait to take you back!
You got your ears pierced! Even though some people gave mommy
and daddy a little grief, we felt it was a good time to do it, so you wouldn't play with them, and there was less chance of an infection! We think you look adorable, and even though you cried, you eventually forgave!
More fun pictures from this month:
Trying to eat Daddy's face!
Snuggling with Mommy!
Getting love from Cousin Grant!
Eating your Lolly's face!
I love this crazy face!
Your other loves right now....
Daddy (Can't give him enough smiles!)
Mommy (Having some sort of separation anxiety already!)
Your Blankey (You are always hugging and trying to eat it!)
Naps (Sometime it's 3-4 a day!)
Being outside (Can't get enough!)
Cousin Evie (She's funny!)
Bouncey Chair (Boy you can get that bouncing!)
Dakota (You love that dog of yours!)